The lifestye of cage birds

How to choose them?

There are so many species of cage birds  and therefore a wide range of behaviours. Some bird species are more evolved than others, to the point that there are as many differences between them as between a rabbit and a dog. Over the years, some have even developed a form of intelligence allowing them to communicate with humans.

It is essential to consider the evolution of these birds if you want to adopt one. Here are a few recommendations that may help. First thing to know: cage birds are made to live in a couple or group.A cage bird that lives alone can quickly feel unhappy and will show it in different ways. For example, it might refuse to eat, or it might pull out its feathers. If it is your first adoption, opt for so-called classic species which are easier to look after. Among these examples start with canariesor budgerigars. This will give you the opportunity to observe cage birds. In fact, some birds, like the parrot, are expensive because they are said to be “sophisticated” and very intelligent. Concretely, these birds are complicated to keep because some situations lead to the appearance of disorders. For example, a parrot that lives alone can quickly become depressed and hurt itself. Parrots develop very complex relationships with each other, but also with humans.These relationships have a major impact on the behaviour and well-being of this type of bird. It is also important to know that these species live for a very long time, sometimes over the age of 40. Therefore, opt for birds which are easier to keep, which will confirm or not your decision to go on to adopt more complex species.

Le mode de vie des oiseaux de cage

How to feed them?

The diet of cage birds varies greatly from one species to another. Some are seed-eaters, others fruit-eaters and others insectivores.

It is very unlikely that you will have to buy insects for your bird because the majority are seed-eaters. Parrotsand budgerigars, for example, are both seed-eaters and fruit-eaters. Concerning their diet, there is not a single diet common to all species. In fact, each species has very specific requirements. This is why there are mixes designed for budgerigars and others for parrots. At the start, opt for ready-prepared mixes before preparing your own. What you really need to know is that the diet of birds depends on the environment in which they live. In other words, if a bird lives in a cage, it will eat what it can eat, therefore seeds. In the wild, however, as they can eat insects and fruits, their diet consists of these items. Be sure to find out your bird’s food habits.Final recommendation: it is essential to add perches, feeders, troughs and other other objects that make their environment enjoyable.